
I’m not really one for having resolutions, but this year I want to focus on being creative. I really want to perfect my sewing, open up a little online shop and sell my creations! I’ve done this with crocheting, and have kind of burnt myself out on it, and am ready for something new. My crochet business is also with one of my best friends that live in California, so it’s kind of tough to keep it going when we can’t be in the same state. However, we did GREAT before the holidays and made a ton of sales, which was so much fun. We definitely won’t stop selling stuff any time soon.

I also want to try being more active. I probably couldn’t run to the corner of our street, which is literally one house down without feeling like I was going to die from running out of breath. There was a time when I worked out a lot, and actually started to enjoy running, that is until I got pregnant. So, I’d like to get more active! I want to get toned up and also be able to keep up with Mister Anthony since it’s guaranteed he’ll be running all over the place soon.

I feel like I have also been neglecting my blog, and would like to write more. Writing and venting helps me feel so much better about life. Sometimes I just need to type it out and get my thoughts out in the open so I can make room for my positive thoughts. I’ve been in a funk the last couple days and should have been writing it all out instead of crying it out. I feel WAY better today though. Thomas surprised me with flowers last night since he knew I was having a rough day. We went to breakfast this morning and that helped too. Anyways, I got off track… I just need to blog more. I really enjoy it, but sometimes it’s just so hard to get onto the computer (which I prefer over using my phone) Anthony always wants to get onto my lap when I sit at the computer, and it’s pretty hard to type when there’s extra fingers tapping the keyboard.

The last thing I want to work on, is trying to get more time to myself. This includes spending more one on one time with Thomas. I sometimes miss our old life where we’d go out to a bar randomly and accidentally stay out until 2am. Obviously that wont be happening, but I really want to make it more of a habit to go on dates. It doesn’t even have to be fancy, just spend more time together. As for myself, I think I need to make it a point to spend at least one day a month away from Anthony. I always find that I feel like a better mom after I’ve spent some time alone and get reminded that I am more than just a mom.



One thought on “Resolutions

  1. A couple things: I’ve designated one night a month for the entire year for a date night. It’s on our calendars and the restaurants are picked! You guys should join us for a couple and we’ll make it a double date night! Also, since we live so close let’s try to get active together! Even if it means once a week we can try to keep each other accountable 🙂

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